BThe 60” Ginzugroomer is the perfect tool for single classic ski trail preparation. Its’ frame is aluminum and there is powder-coated paint on all steel parts. Like our 84” model, there are 2 rows of double knives that provide accurate, progressive cutting of the snow surface. Its’ cutter bars are spring-loaded for adjustable tension and safety release. There are rubber mounts for vibrating action in hard snow.
Ginzu’s are measured wing to wing — not by compaction box size. A 60″ Ginzugroomer has a 36″ compaction box.
The knives of the Ginzugroomer are “bolt-on” and are easily replaceable. There is an HDPE cover behind the knife section to prevent snow from building up on the mat. The electric actuator makes it possible to adjust the depth of cutting while you groom.
Actuator boots and the wiring are not currently listed as an attribute for Ginzugroomers, if you would like them please add them from the parts section of the website!
Here are details about the options below.
- Tracksetter(s) carve the tracks for classic skiing.
- Wiring Kit Includes: RV Jack (mounts on drawbar), 8′ of 14/2 rubber-coated wire, 4 ring terminals, and two Delphi Female waterproof connectors
- Tree guards can be added to a GZ60. They are standard on both the GZ84 and GZ108.
- Gooseneck hitch option over the standard (no additional cost) hitch, gives you greater maneuverability. There are 5 plates from which to choose.
- UTV hitch is designed for the increasingly popular choice of a utv as a tow vehicle
- Boots help to prolong the life of your actuator by blocking water from seeping in. Rainy or wet snow climates especially need these.
- Snow gathering wings are becoming one of the most popular additions to a Ginzugroomer. The wings are helpful both in skimpy snow cover to bring in more snow to the trail and when snow is plentiful to avoid the dishing profile as a consequence to grooming. Processing the crystalline structure of fresh snow onto the pathway results in the corduroy surface lasting longer.
- Wheel kits are very helpful for moving your Ginzugroomer.
For the Gooseneck hitch plates, the sizes are as follows
- (C) 11″ square – often used on the rear deck of a modern SkiDoo Skandic.
- (D) The plate for a 2020+ Skandic WT
- (E) The plate for a 2020+ Skandic SWT
- If purchased without the plate the price is $500.
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